I am extremely overwhelmed to announce …
1st “ANUP MASTERS COURSE”. This would be an orthopaedic masterclass course scheduled on 27th and 28th October’2018.
Anup Masters course is in association with Bihar Orthopaedic Association and Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation..
Please block your dates on 27th and 28th October’2018 as we are going to have an academic feast…the meeting would be graced by Eminent National and International faculties from India and around the world..
Dr.Zahar Akos, Endoklinik, Germany and Mr Martin Sarungi are are international faculties and we would focus on Primary complex Total knee Replacement and Revision knee viable options …
We would be having live Surgical demonstration by the masters( Navigated Total knee Replacement) and hands on navigated saw bone sessions to enhance your bioskills….
Believe me it would be a wonderful learning experience…
So please Block your dates and get set for the meeting.
For any information please visit our website –www.aior.co.in or
www.amc.aior.co.in or mail us on amc@www.aior.co.in
You may feel free to contact us on +918227896526,+916122361838
We would get back to you as soon as possible
Dr.Ashish Singh
Organising Chairman- Anup Masters Course
www.amc.aior.co.in, drashishsingh@www.aior.co.in