Academic Wings

The academic environment at Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation is fostered by the Department of Academics, led by Smt. Kavita Singh and guided by Dr. R. N. Singh. Over time, this department has evolved into a comprehensive academic institution.
The Department of Academics is committed to maintaining strict adherence to the curriculum set by the National Board of Examinations within the Orthopaedic department. Regular meetings are conducted with DNB students every quarter to gather feedback and address any challenges or concerns they may have, with a focus on finding in-house solutions or seeking external assistance if required.
The hospital actively organizes lectures featuring renowned National and International faculty members, hailing from prestigious institutions in India and abroad. These distinguished experts in their respective fields have greatly contributed to updating the knowledge of both resident staff and faculty members, offering opportunities to seek clarifications and exchange insights. This also fosters a dynamic environment, where doctors from various countries visiting India can engage in academic discourse.
Fellowship Programme
The Department of Academics has over the last few years ensured conduct of regular seminars and workshops of very high quality and with regularity in the hospital. Such activities are recognized by the Bihar Medical Council, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh for which a certification is given to the person attending the conferences in order to bring up their CME hours which are necessary for them to get reaccredidation.A mega event Anup Masters Course is organized on annual basis and is highly appreciated. For more details of this programme may visit
Dr. Ashish Singh heads the AIOR Grey Cell research wing and we are very proud that we have our in house Ethics and Research Committee- AIOR GREY CELL which is registered by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI reg No. ECR/1185/INST/BR/2019- APPROVED) AND WE DO TRANSLATIONAL Research from Bench side TO Bed side in Clinical and para clinical area and the consultants and residents are encouraged to publish their original research and in this regard the hospital has a number of publications both in national as well as international journal.
For any paper read by a clinical assistant, resident or postgraduate student in any part of India, the traveling allowance and registration fee expenses are borne by the hospital. The department also assists in conducting national and international conferences and the hospital has become synonymous with hosting of well planned and conducted conferences in different specialties.
To ensure the above the Department of Academics has a hardworking staff consisting of Ms Khushboo who issues we have our DNB coordinator and she is also the incharge of ETHICS and Research Committee

The Department of Academics at Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation plays a pivotal role in facilitating clinical meetings on the first day of each month. During these meetings, individual departments take the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments and share the latest trends in their respective fields. Additionally, the department produces a quarterly hospital newsletter called "ORTHOGYAN." This newsletter serves as a valuable source of information about the hospital's activities, both academic and otherwise, and welcomes engaging articles from the hospital's faculty.
The Department of Academics at Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation has undertaken the renovation of the hospital library to create a modern and functional unit. The library now features both paper and electronic sections. In the electronic section, students and faculty have access to computers with internet connectivity, allowing them to conduct Medline searches on CD-ROMs. The department has also acquired the complete set of teaching CDs offered by the National Boards, which students use to stay updated with the latest knowledge. Additionally, the library provides facilities for viewing videotapes and CDs of surgical procedures. The department takes care of maintaining and regularly updating the hospital's official website, ensuring that the information remains current and accessible.
The Department of Academics at Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation is responsible for conducting the Diplomate of National Board of Examination (DNB) entrance examination for various DNB courses offered at the hospital in India. This examination is conducted fairly and impartially, following the pattern of esteemed institutions worldwide. The increasing number of applicants each year reflects the good reputation of this system. The department's ultimate goal is to ensure that every student at AIOR receives proper guidance and nurturing, and a comprehensive appraisal is conducted to help them succeed in life.
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