E-Learning is a mode of education that leverages electronic technologies to provide access to educational content beyond the traditional classroom setting.
This approach involves delivering courses exclusively via the internet to locations other than the physical classroom where the instructor is teaching.
Unlike courses delivered through physical media like DVDs, CD-ROMs, or video tapes, e-Learning is interactive, allowing students to communicate with teachers, professors, and fellow students in various ways. E-Learning can take the form of live sessions, where participants can electronically engage in real-time interactions, or prerecorded lectures and materials. This modern educational approach offers flexibility and accessibility to learners, enabling them to engage with the content from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

Benefits of E-Learning
Flexibility: E-Learning allows you to tailor your education to your schedule, enabling you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Accessibility: You can access educational content from virtually anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for physical attendance in a classroom.
Self-Paced Learning: E-Learning allows you to progress through course materials at your own speed, ensuring a comfortable and effective learning experience.
Distance education, also known as e-learning, refers to the method of educating students who are not necessarily physically present in a traditional classroom setting. In the past, this typically involved correspondence courses, where students communicated with the educational institution through postal mail. In contemporary times, distance education has evolved to encompass online learning. At AIOR, we are committed to promoting and facilitating online education for all our trainees. We offer financial support to enable participation in e-learning modules and organize online webinars to ensure their engagement. Additionally, we grant trainees access to online journals from leading Orthopedic publications, both on the international and national levels.

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