Anup Institute of Orthopaedic and Institute and Orthopaedic Management team makes sure to provide essential accommodation for the trainees. We have in house hostel facility for the doctors. House Rent allowance is provided in case the trainee/doctor resides outside the campus. Rules and Regulations of the hostel must be abided strictly.

The Hospital has a well-equipped Catering Facility for Patients, their Relatives, Doctors & Staff and even for any walk-in person. The primary aspect of canteen is to provide quality and hygienically safe food to all who come in.
AIOR Canteen Provides Free meal to Every Patient….
The Main Kitchen is situated on the first floor of old wing. Kitchen is well equipped with many automatic and latest types of equipment’s. At AIOR, the food package is included in the room rent. We do not charge anything extra for diet provide the best diet which is also individualised according to the patients’ need supervised by the Dieticians. The dietician takes the round and suggests a suitable type of diet depending upon the type of illness and the calorific and nutritive requirements of the patient. This information is then passed on to the Food Service Department and a complete day’s diet is provided to the patient in the room itself, from the next immediate service to the patients.

There are in all 13 types of diets that are prepared depending on the day’s requirement, like Full Diet, Salt Restricted Diet, Diabetic Diet, Renal Diet, Soft Diet, Semi Solid Diet, Bland Diet, Liquid Diet, Chemo Diet, High Fibre Diet, Fat Free Diet, High Protein Diet, Ryle’s Tube Feeding Diet.

Patients are served :
Patient’s relatives can also opt for a daily meal package in the room at an extra charge, which is added to the patients bill itself. Food served to patients is tasted by dietician and upon her approval is served to the patients. Patient’s meals are strictly served under the supervision of dieticians. The food to the patients is supplied in an imported food grade closed trays or plates. These plates are arranged in a specially designed insulated closed trolley which keeps food warm. This trolley is then transported to rooms and the meal is served to the patients.
The Doctors and staff can also avail the canteen facilities.
The Hospital canteen is approved and registered with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) which is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India.
FSSAI has been created for laying down science-based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. One of the functions of FSSAI is to maintain the quality of food in the country
The Food Standards and Safety Authority of India (FSSAI) is the supreme authority which is responsible for regulating and supervising the food safety. It is mandatory for all the Food Business Operators (FBOs) in order to obtain an FSSAI license or Food Licenses
Food can become unsafe when it is contaminated with illness-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals. ... The term food safety describes all practices that are used to keep our food safe. Food safety relies on the joint efforts of everyone involved in our food supply.

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