The inauguration of ROTARY ANUP BLOOD BANK in 2017 marked a moment of immense pride for us. Having a dedicated blood bank is crucial in a bustling trauma center like AIOR. We are grateful for the support from Rotary International District 3250, which provided grants to establish this vital resource at our hospital. Every drop of blood counts in saving lives, and we are committed to making a difference through our blood bank services.

The official inauguration of the ROTARY ANUP BLOOD BANK was carried out by Dr. T.R.B.P.N. Singh, a renowned Chest Physician in Patna, along with then RI District 3250 President Mr. Khemka and other esteemed dignitaries. Our Managing Director, Mrs. Kavita Singh, Chairman Dr. R.N. Singh, Medical Director Dr. Ashish Singh, and Medical Superintendent Dr. J.K. Jain were also part of this significant event.

The blood bank operates in accordance with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. We actively organize blood donation camps on a regular basis, and our services are available round the clock. Your well-being and access to essential blood products are our top priorities.

Blood Bank


A blood bank is a centre where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term "blood bank" typically refers to a division of a hospital where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed.

Blood banking is the process that takes place in the lab to make sure that donated blood, or blood products, are safe before they are used in blood transfusions and other medical procedures. Blood banking includes typing the blood for transfusion and testing for infectious diseases

  • Typing: ABO group (blood type)
  • Rh typing (positive or negative antigen)
  • Screening for any unexpected red blood cell antibodies that may cause problems in the recipient.
  • Screening for current or past infections, including
  • It is mandate by the Government of India to screen for HIV, HBsAg, Test for HCV and Tests for Malaria, Tests for Syphilis

Given that a typical haematocrit in an adult is about 40%, the original bag of blood will have something like 200 ml of packed red blood cells (40% of 500). If the unit has a final haematocrit, after processing, of 70%, then the total volume in the unit is 285 ml (200/0.7).

In India, it is mandatory to test every unit of blood collected for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, syphilis and malaria. Donors come to the blood bank with altruistic intentions. If donors test positive to any of the five infections, their blood is discarded.

  • Whole blood or blood with RBC, is transfused to patients with anaemia/iron deficiency. It also helps to improve the oxygen saturation in blood. It can be stored at 1.0 °C-6.0 °C for 35–45 days.
  • Platelet transfusion, is transfused to those who suffer from low platelet count. This can be stored at room temperature for 5–7 days. The donation of Plasma is called (plasmapheresis).Plasma transfusion is indicated to patients with liver failure, severe infections or serious burns.
  • Fresh frozen plasma can be stored at a very low temperature of -25 °C for up to 12 months.


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