We work as a Team

what does the AIOR Family mean to You
The AIOR Radiology Department provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient diagnostic and interventional Radiology services for patients with Orthopaedic, Rheumatologic, Oncologic and Traumatic conditions. Diagnostic service includes high-resolution, multi slice computed tomography (CT), conventional radiography, Ultrasonography and Doppler studies. Interventional services include therapeutic articular and spinal injections, bone biopsies, radiofrequency ablation treatment, and CT orthography. Radiology Department is leads by Dr. Kumar Rana Mithilesh
Until recently surgery on the inside of any joint meant making a large incision and opening the joint to do even the most minor procedure. Few years ago introduction of optical and fiber optic equipment in orthopaedics began changing that and today it is possible to do many surgeries through arthroscopy. AIOR has state of the art Arthroscopy system. All the procedures are recorded and actual photographs are taken during the surgery and are given to the patient. The Arthroscopy procedures are backed up by good rehabilitation which ensures speedy recovery of the patient.
This unit is headed by Dr. Rakesh Chaudhary who has been doing knee arthroscopic surgeries since many years. Arthroscopic (Keyhole) anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament is routinely done at this center.
This unit is headed by Dr. Baidnath Prasad, who is a very senior and skilled anesthetist.
This unit is headed by Dr. Rakesh Chaudhary who has been doing knee arthroscopic surgeries since many years. Arthroscopic (Keyhole) anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament is routinely done at this center.
Dr. Anu Sinha heads this division and we are proud to provide 24 hour round the clock intensive care services. This unit is of immense importance in managing polytrauma patients. The management of these patients is done on the advanced trauma life support protocols. The geriatric patients who also require intensive post operative care are also managed by this unit.
The unit is fully equipped with ICU ventilators, Intensive care multiparameter monitors, Arterial blood gas analyzer equipments, Defibrillators and fully trained ancillary staff and Anesthetic doctors are available to cater Emergency Trauma services
Dr. Ashok Singh MCh. Plastic Surgery has been associated with this hospital for more than 20 years. We are proud to have him. All major Plastic surgery procedures are routinely done here.
The increasing incidences of grossly communited open compound fractures are on the rise but as we have a Plastic surgeon cover. AIOR Orthopaedic surgeon team is fully supported.
Dr. Vijay Pratap Singh who is an eminent surgeon with a special interest in head, neck and face and surgical oncology provides day to day support for this unit. He is an asset to the Institute as we routinely have patients who are associated with blunt abdominal trauma and quite a few time ends up an laparatomy and other surgical procedures
Mr. Ram Pravesh Singh (Sharmaji)
A very dedicated member who may be called as multipurpose Worker (MPW) who can get anything sorted out even in the middle of the night. let it be a patient let it be an electrician, carpenter anything.
Mr. Ashesh Kumar
We have a dedicated team who are responsible to provide Arthroplasty supportive services. We have a 24/7 Arthroplasty helpline services and provide social and adaptative support in the form of modification of home following total knee and hip replacement services according to requirements. We are proud to have Mr. Ashesh Kumar and his team to be with us.
Mr. Amit Sinha
A very dedicated member who is managing the schedule of the Dr. Ashish Singh. He relates to every department within the hospital and with many community groups outside of it. He is the backbone of the IT Department and manages all promotional events of the organisation.
Mr. Ranjit Ranjan
It is very wise to keep the records of the patients which would be beneficial in future as well in terms of research and statistical purposes. The record keeping of Anup Institute of Orthopaedic and Research has been done on computers since the year 1989. At this point of time we have a dedicated team who looks after this team. Our website
He looks over all the Hardware and software issues of the organisation along with his team.
Call Now 0612 2354130, +91 8448441016 and receive Top Quality Healthcare for you and your Family