Orthopaedics Journals
Anup institute for Orthopaedics and rehabilitation library was set in the year 2008 and we have a huge collection of Medical books, informational CD, International and National Journals (Orthopaedics and Medical Journals)
We define It was revamped in the Year ….and inaugurated by DR.K.H. Sancheti sir in the year … (please find attached Photo with Dr.KH sancheti in the timeline of AIOR)
In the year 2019…as the world changes to a digital platform we are not far behind and we present a fully functional Digital Library…
http://www.cybrarian.in/AIOR125 You can access books, get books / journals / DVD issued and reserved

We have access to Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, Spine and both Electronic and physical. Apart from the major orthopaedic journals we also have subscription to Anaesthesia journals, Journal of Medicine and a lot more….
We have institutional subscriptions through Ovid and electronically we have access to many journals as per the requirement.
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